​​Hi, welcome, and thanks for being here.

Diamond Defense was founded in 2009 with the simple mission of helping to provide women and girls in the Sacramento region with access to and empowerment through self-defense training. 

The training we offer is based in the R.A.D. (Rape Aggression Defense) Systems of Self-Defense and influenced by Hapkido, and is designed to utilize the innate strengths of the female body to be effectively employable by women of all ages and physical abilities.

Owner/Instructor Lisa Thew decided to take her first R.A.D. course through the Harris County Sherriff's Office in Houston, TX as part of an employee benefit program in 2004. She was so affected by the transformation and empowerment of herself and her fellow students during the training that she took another class, and then another, and then, well you get the picture, until she became a certified R.A.D. Instructor herself.

Through a combination of Risk Awareness and Physical Defense Training we will help you identify potential risks before you become a target and know what your options are for resisting an attack.

Owner/Instructor, Lisa Thew

Diamond Defense, LLC | 916-385-9101

risk Awareness Training
awareness is 90% of self-defense
  • Reduce your chances of becoming victimized by learning to identify and avoid potential risks to your safety in daily life. 
Physical Defense Training
Empower yourself with options for physically resisting an attacker 

  • Effectively employable techniques uniquely designed to utilize the strengths of the female physique. Appropriate for ages 12+ and all fitness levels. 

"Sharing a safety tip and seeing it click in a student's mind, or watching them execute a technique correctly and deliver a really powerful blow, in a way that surprises both of us, is just the best. The great thing is, there's a surprise in every student--there's always something there that she didn't know was there, whether it's her wisdom, her voice, her power, or her abilities--I think every single student walks out the door carrying another piece of herself that she didn't know existed before."